
Let’s talk about perseverance shall we? It’s the word that you see on your facebook on motivational posters and you want to think that you are really grinding but let’s be real for a second. You aren’t. You are sitting comfortably while trying to accomplish something with yourself. I’m not going to say a goal. That’s another pet peeve of mine. “Oh my goal is to” no, asshole you don’t get to have goals. My dream is not a goal. My dream is a dream, if I could get it done in a week it’d be a goal. If it wasn’t hard it’d be a goal. If it didn’t require perseverance it would be a goal. Let’s talk about the difference. Goals are something you want to get done by a certain time that requires an initial amount of initiative. There is an end point, which makes them by definition easier than dreams. Example, My goal is to finish getting this cosplay’s legs done by the end of the week. It’s a goal but what happens if I fail it? self-disappointment. Ultimately the end goal is to have the whole thing done before the convention. Finishing University isn’t a dream, it’s an end goal. I see an end. Dreams are something beyond goals. They are things the you have an idea of what you want to do and where you want to be but no path exists, no end point is in sight and even if you become what you want the dream doesn’t end, it morphs into something else creating a new path for you to venture down. Don’t forget what dreams are and what yours are, ever. Once you do you become a zombie. It’s hard work though. Dream’s require perseverance, they require dedication not only when you have an abundance of free time but also when you have no money and are bordering on homelessness. Dreams require perseverance when all the chips are down and you’ve hit rock bottom. The only thing that should be your saving grace at a time like that is your dream. You need to hold on to your dreams with a death grip even though you’re still alive but you should never give them the disservice of calling them a goal. If you view your dream as a goal then I can guarantee you won’t put in the work to get that shit done. Treat your dream like the majestic unobtainable fantasy it is, size that mountain up, then climb that sommbitch and make dreams a reality. So yeah, work on your dreams, but persevere as well cause in my opinion, the ability to persevere is more important than just putting in work. That should be default you…!

